Magic moments

Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 17:50

Magic moments


  1. Catalin Says:

    Azi am văzut un băieţel alergând după un balon de săpun...

  2. Narnia Says:

    Am zambit imaginii descrise... :)
    Nu pot sa nu intreb, l-ai fotografiat?

  3. Games Online Says:

    I have a website with Games Online and i would like to make
    a link exchange with your website.
    If you are agree, please add to your blogroll AllGamesOnline.Org with the name "games online"
    and then send me an e-mail to with your code, and i will add you in notime on
    Thank you for your time.
    Have a nice day!

  4. Catalin Says:

    Tu ce crezi? :)

  5. Narnia Says:

    Cred ca da, dar speram sa ni-l si arati pe blog. :))

  6. Narnia Says:

    @Games online, thank you very much for your offer, but I would like to keep this blog for photography only.

  7. I like this one =)


  8. Narnia Says:

    Thabk you, Sergio, I like it too.
    Best regards!

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