
Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 02:34

Alcoholism  can lead to social isolation

Alcohol can lead to social isolation


Ask someone for help !

Ask someone for help ![4]


  1. VertAnge Says:

    Interesanta ideea si foarte trist subiectul :(
    Din pacate alcoolismul face foarte multe victime si e de multe ori deghizat sau acceptat de societate. In loc sa fie trasi de maneca pentru a cauta ajutor specializat, alcoolici sunt folositi drept mascaricii grupului, ca la final sa fie uitati si exclusi.

  2. Narnia Says:

    Ce este si mai trist e faptul ca, pe langa pesoanele dependente de alcool, sufera si peroanele din jur. Membrii familiei devin si ei victime, codependente, copiilor le sunt afectate performantele, si nu doar la nivel scolar etc.
    Grupurile gen "Alcoolicii anonimi" au fost singurele care au dat rezultate pe termen lung, nu sunt la curent insa daca ele exista si in Romania, unde din pacate, pe fondul saraciei si lipsei de educatie, abuzul de alcool duce de multe ori la violente sau chiar la crime.

  3. Klaudia J Says:

    yes, very nice idea a wonderful work, Narnia ...

  4. Alcohol rehab can help you find a baseline of calm and provide you with one-on-one therapy sessions as well as peer group support meetings and therapeutic treatments that address why you turned to alcoholism in the first place that issues that developed as a result.

  5. VertAnge Says:

    Nu cred ca exista AA la noi. Prin Bucuresti sunt cativa psihologi care modereaza intalniri de genul acesta, dar participarea nu e gratuita si nu cred ca se inghesuie lumea.

  6. Narnia Says:

    Alcohol rehab, thank you for posting. I know some good people who can use some help,unfortunately, they will not admit that. I thought of them when I created this images.

  7. Narnia Says:

    Am citit pe internet ca exista si in Romania, probabil insa ca nu e atat de dezvoltat ca in alte parti. Am vazut ca exista un site unde cei interesati pot gasi informatii si unde pot apela, in functie de localitate. Sper sincer ca in timp "sa prinda", sunt convinsa ca pot schimba in bine viata multor oameni.

  8. fain!

  9. Narnia Says:

    Multumesc. :)

  10. kyungmee Says:

    Wow!! Fantastic..I love this.

  11. Narnia Says:

    Thank you, I am really happy that you like it!

  12. Unknown Says:

    hey buddy, You have a good post over here By the way, for alcoholics out there who need to attend AA meetings but couldn’t find one that details the AA schedule, I found a great schedule of AA’s at I’m not affiliated with this site, I just want recovering alcoholics out there to find a comprehensive list of AA meetings just in case you are relocating or searching for an AA meeting in your new place. For the complete list of AA meetings, here’s the link:

  13. Unknown Says:

    i really love the message of the picture 1M thumbs up :D

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